I purchased a domain for my new name. It only costs $10 a year and is soooo worth it. Despite my name change, if you visit any of my old posts or links they will still be available and will redirect you to my new site. $10 isn't bad to keep all my hard work from the last few months of blogging.
I also decided to scratch the name Liliris and start blogging by my real name, Jennifer. Over the last few months I've become more comfortable with blogging and I'm ready to be recognized by my real name rather than a username.
So, when you see the name Elementary School Garden, don't be surprised! It's just little ol' me! Stayed tuned for a giveaway coming up real soon!
I always wondered if Liliris was your real name or not! Congrats on the new domain name!!
Stickers and Stamps
I love your blog design and new name! It's just perfect!
Creative Lesson Cafe
Hi Jennifer! I checked to see what you have been up to lately and was surprised to see the name change! I like it! Congratulations on National Board Certification!! Wow! I teach in NY also and there is only one teacher who has gone through the process and he did it when he taught in OH. Did you get any financial aid? I would love to hear your thoughts on getting started.
Fourth Grade Flipper
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