I am truly loving being a new mommy / teacher and am finding it easier and easier each day to balance all my new responsibilities.
So, in honor of my new mommy / teacher balance I would like to share two "Monday Made It's" with you: one for school and one for my sweet baby Natalie.
The first thing I made this week was the final Math Interactive Notebook File for Customary Measurement and Multiplication. This notebook will fit best with Engage NY's Module 7.
I am super excited to have all my 8 Interactive Notebook files finally complete. Here is a little preview of a few sample pages:
This notebook focuses on customary units of length, capacity, weight, and time.
There are word problems and examples of how students can show their work in multiple ways.
This file has a notebook page or multiple pages for each major topic taught in module 7 and is aligned with the Common Core Math Standards.
Want a FREE copy of this notebook? Simply comment below how you plan to use it and I will randomly select 1 winner tomorrow (5/6) night.
The second thing I made this week (with a little assistance from my amazing husband) is Natalie's Pinterest inspired rain gutter bookshelves.
We purchased the gutter at Lowes and they were nice enough to cut it into 3 pieces for us. We used a stud finder, drill, and a few screws to install the gutters. It took a total of maybe 15 minutes. Definitely worth it to see Natalie's toothless smile as she reaches for and selects her books each night before bed. Ugh, she melts my heart.
Check out all the other "Monday Made It's" on Tara's blog.
Happy Monday!