's cold outside. Snow, snow, and more snow. Can't it just warm up already? Mama needs to walk off some more baby weight. However, being burrowed up inside next to the fireplace with my warm cocoa provides me with LOTS of time to blog, create, and work on lesson plans for when I return to teaching in 2 weeks. Can you believe it? My maternity leave is almost over!
So, today I'm linking up for
Farley's February Currently!
I love DVR. It allows me to watch some of my favorite shows when...ever....I....want. Which is perfect because my schedule pretty much revolves around sweet baby Natalie. What am I LISTENING to today? Goldrush and Bering Sea Gold, which recorded last night after I was fast asleep for the night....or until Natalie decides she is hungry again.
Speaking of Natalie, I am absolutely LOVING taking photographs of Natalie.
Lately, I have been THINKING about returning to school. I have been out on maternity leave for 4 whole months and I will be returning to school on Valentine's Day. It's really bitter sweet. Although I love my time spent home with Natalie, and I can't imagine being away from her Monday-Friday, I truly miss teaching. When Natalie is!!!
She is 3 months old today! Wow, time sure flies by!
Lately, I have been WANTING for it to warm up outside. When it is nice out my husband and I always walk our dogs 3 miles to the park. I can't wait to bring Natalie to the park to see the ducks. I also can't wait for the extra exercise to help shed the final pounds of my baby weight off. We live in NY and unfortunately, the sidewalks are often not plowed.
Since I'm stuck inside though I have been busy working on my Fractions Interactive Notebook file to add to the rest of my
interactive math notebook collection. I am
NEEDING to complete it...NOW! It is aligned to the Common Core Standards and
Module 5 on the Engage NY website. Module 5 has been out for about 2 weeks. What's taking me so long? It's 543 pages! Insane huh! I'm almost done with it too. I'm to the point of taking photos of my notebook pages and creating the teachers guide. I'm hoping to have it posted on TPT in a few days.
And as for my 2 TRUTHS & 1 LIE. Last February I did visit Florida and we traveled there by car. I have never flown in a plane before but it is definitely on my bucket list. I'd love to bring Natalie to Disney World in a few years and I'm thinking a plane trip is definitely in our future.
Oh, and before you go. Check out Techer Gems huge
GIVEAWAY for a chance to win $200 in prizes!!!
What are you up to in this marvelous month of February?