Today I'm linking up with iHeartRecess for her Back to School Goals linky party.
This school year my biggest personal focus will be on learning how to balance school with my home life. I've always let my school work consume me. Teaching is not just a job for me, it's a's my life. I've worked hard to balance being a wife and a teacher over the last few years. At times it's been hard to balance also being a good friend, daughter, sister, blogger, and well...the list goes on and on.
Our daughter is scheduled to be born this November which is sure to add lots of excitement (and I'm sure a little anxiety) to the first part of the school year.
I am planning to keep my desk clean and organized this year. Each afternoon, before I leave school, I plan to lay out my plans for the next day along with all the photocopies and necessary materials. Who knows when my last day of school (for maternity leave) will be. I also plan on trying to have my lesson plans typed out and ready to go 3 weeks in advance. So, if baby makes a surprise early entry into the world, whom ever they have selected to be my sub will be all set for at least the next few weeks. I am also in the process of creating a long term sub binder for whom ever they hire with a flash drive containing all my important files for the school year.
As far as my goal for students, I would like every child to come to school each day feeling that it is a safe and comfortable learning environment. I will strive to make each lesson meaningful and engaging in order to motivate and challenge students. Integrating technology will again be a huge priority in the classroom along with making lessons that are hands-on and meet multiple learning styles.
I love these 2 mottos: Anything worth having is worth fighting for. There are no shortcuts to greatness. This year will probably be one of the most challenging for me. Being pregnant while having diabetes is not an easy task. Living almost an hour away from your work makes commuting long and tiring (and I'm sure worse when you have a young baby staying at a stranger's house for daycare). But I'm determined to make it work! I'm sure everything will fall into place, but it won't be easy. I love my classroom, my students, my husband, my growing family, blogging, creating on Teachers Pay Teachers...I will find a way to balance it all!
What tips and tricks do you have to manage a family, classroom, blogging, etc....???? Please share!!!

Awesome! Sounds like you are a super woman! I teach in a private elementary school and I find it very hard to strike a balance between everything and make everyone happy at the same time. Pregnancy - Teaching - roles to be performed as a wife, mother to be, sister, friend, teacher and colleague! I wonder how you manage it all. Hats off! Happy delivery dear namesake!! :)
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