Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My 7th 1st Day of 4th Grade

Tomorrow is the big day!  My 7th first day of teaching 4th grade.....and I'm still just as nervous and excited to meet my new students as I was the first year.

Tomorrow morning, when my students arrive, they will dive in to a fish fun filled room.  The top of my door says, "Swimming into 4th Grade" and I have all my students names written on the fish swimming in the water.

This year I have organized student desks into groups of 4 or 5.  I purchased some black crates from Walmart that I plan to use as storage for their red pencil bins (purchased by my school), their folders and other supplies.  I'm hoping they will help cut down on the clutter that usually forms inside their desk.

Each students desk contains a Bic Mechanical Pencil, water bottle, pencil box (with labels on top to use for their folders) their planner, and morning work.

On a personal note, last Saturday I had my family baby shower!  Baby Natalie made out great!  I am completely overwhelmed by my family's generosity!  Next Monday I will be 30 weeks!  10 more to go (or less)!!!

(Notice the red and green Christmas wrapping paper on one of the back presents....compliments of my wonderful husband who snagged a package delivered to the house and wrapped it before I got home to sneak a peak.)

Cheers to a great first day tomorrow New York teachers!

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