Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Thank You for the Blog Awards

Wow, I am blown away by all of your generosity.  This week I have been given few awards by some of my amazing followers.

I have received the Liebster Award and the Versatile Blogger Award.

I'd like to thank the following people for nominating me:

The Polka-dotted Teacher
Well, I have to run so I can make it in time to see the 4th of July Fireworks!  I'll be on the look out for some amazing blogs to nominate for these awards and I'll post more later!
Happy Fourth of July!


Chrissy said...

You won my giveaway!! Look for an email from me :-)

Wolfelicious said...

Congrats on your awards!! I am your newest follower!


Unknown said...

Thanks for being my 50th follower! I'd like to give you a special gift since you're lucky number 5-0. If you visit my TPT store, you're welcome to pick out a free item of your choice. Let me know if you find something you like and I'll email it to you.

Thanks again!

Teachin' Little Texans