Saturday, October 27, 2012

A little fun to spice up a crazy week!

Thank goodness the weekend has finally arrived.  This sure has been one crazy week.  With data coming due, report cards looming over us, and parent conferences right around the corner our week has been chocked full of staff meetings, grade level development, data analysis, paperwork and more paperwork.  To top it all off, our district was sicken with a bug.  A virtual bug.  A bug so horrible it left us without internet and computers for a complete week.  We are still in the process of cleaning our network and can not print.

Despite all the "behind the scenes" craziness I was able to squeeze in a little fun with my kiddos this week.  We started out with a nature hike around our school.  We observed and recorded the different signs that fall has come.  We used our five senses and practiced writing juicy details.  After our nice walk we ended up in the pavilion at the park to write our descriptive writing master pieces, share, and on the playground!  Oh what fun!

Around mid week we were forced inside due to some inclement weather....rain!  My students absolutely love indoor recess this year.  One group of lovely ladies decided to create a life size robot replica of .... can you guess who...... me!

Here is my head and my glasses.

They measured my arms and legs to make sure that all the specs for the robot were as accurate as possible.

The measured my height so they would know just how tall to make the robot.

What am I looking forward to for next week?  Using the laptops and classroom computers.  Oh how deprived we've been this past week.  It's amazing how much our lives revolve around technology.

Have a happy weekend!