Sunday, June 14, 2015

ATB Challenge - Week 10

Welcome back blogging buddies for week 10 of our ATB Challenge!  Sorry for the delay in posting!

Here is your Week 10 Challenge: 

If you have made it through all 10 weeks of the ATB challenge it is finally time to treat yourself.

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear, "Treat Yourself," is ice cream, pizza, candy, dessert.

However, you don't have to treat yourself with food.

You can treat yourself with free time, a nice walk, a bubble bath, additional reading time to read something of YOUR choice, a car wash, a pedicure, a stay in your pajama day, etc....

Reward yourself when you accomplish your goals, cross of items on your to-do list, and when you simply need a break.

So, how do you plan to treat yourself this week?

Check out all 10 challenges here.


Love Always Diana Lynn said...

I have loved following! I am going to use this next year as part of our staff climate!

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