Have you heard of Peardeck?
It's an amazing tool that teachers can use to create engaging presentations for their classroom.
Pear Deck is a Google Slides Add-On. It allows you to add questions and activities right into your pre-existing Google Slide presentations.
Here are a few screen shots from Pear Deck.
You access Pear Deck through your Add-Ons tab.
You can add pre-created slides or question types to your presentation. Templates are sorted as beginning of lesson, during lesson, and end of lesson activites.
Question types include text boxes, drawings, drag and drop features, multiple choice, and more.
Once your presentation is complete, you can share it with your class.
You can post it on Google Classroom for students to go through at their own pace, or you can share the join link and share it with the whole class at the same time.
Pear Deck is Ed Law 2-d complaint. They have extensive privacy and security.
You can watch my tutorial here:
Here are a few of the pros and cons of Pear Deck.
Here is my overall rating for Pear Deck.
Have you tried Pear Deck in your classroom?

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