Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Looking for Donations for Back 2 School Giveaway

Hello fellow bloggers!

I am hosting a huge Back 2 School giveaway on my blog starting Sunday, August 11th and am in need of donations with a Back 2 School theme.

If you are willing to donate an item please fill out this form

I will be accepting donations up until Wednesday, August 7th. Thanks for all your help!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Editing & Revising Pens, Interactive Notebook Pack & Facebook Page for Monday Made It

This week I have 3 Made Its to share for Tara's Monday Made It!

Monday Made It # 1:

Each year I have students edit and revise their writing with different colored pens.  They use blue to revise for word choice, purple to revise for details, red to edit for spelling, and green to edit for capitals and ending punctuation.  This not only helps hold students accountable with the editing and revising process...but helps me as a teacher.  I can easily glance over their work to see if they have really edited and revised.

I found this cute container last year at the Dollar Tree.  You can download the labels here.

Monday Made It # 2

Last week I presented you with my Common Core Math Interactive Notebook pack for Place Value.  This week I finished up a new one, for Metric Units of Measurement.

Inside you will find all the materials you will need to continue a Math Notebook this school year with your fourth graders....focusing on Metric Units of Length, Mass, and Capacity.  I have provided samples of what each page in the notebook could look like to introduce the various Common Core standards, as well as the necessary materials, foldables, clipart, and cut-outs that students will need to assembly their books.

All of my Notebook Packs are going to follow the math modules found on the Engage NY Website. You can download their math modules for free. Only some are posted now. They should all be posted in time for (New York's) school year.

Look for a new, Common Core aligned, Interactive Math Notebook for each math module. I will continue creating these resources as each module is posted on the Engage NY website!

Monday Made It #3:

Finally, I've created a Facebook page.  Or, at least I think that I have created a Facebook page. I can access it from my cellphone but for some reason I keep getting prompted to go through the set-up screens again every time I try to access it on my computer.  The last screen always being a blank one when it comes time to "reach more people."  I can see it on my phone though so I'm guessing the page exists. I also have a few friends already liking it so that is a good sign.  Any one else have any trouble creating a Facebook page recently?  Am I doing something wrong?  I guess this made it is a made it in progress!

Check out all the other Monday Made It's on Tara's blog, 4th Grade Frolics.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Back 2 School Link-Up: Favorite Read Alouds

Welcome back for week 3 of my Back 2 School Linky Party. Thanks to all who linked up last week. This week's topics is:  Back to School Read Alouds.

Here is a compilation of some of my favorite read alouds for the first week of school.

I selected books that focus on anything from summer vacation memories, to first day fears, hopes and dreams, goal setting, and inspirational teachers.

Check back often to see how I use some of these great books in my classroom.

What are your favorite read alouds for the first day, or week, or school?  Link up below with a post about your favorite read alouds (past or present) or a product you've created based on a read aloud that would work for back to school.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, July 22, 2013

1st Day Frame and Interactive Math Notebook

Last year I made a 1st Day of 4th Grade Frame for Monday Made It.  This year I decided to make another, with a fish theme.

I also decided to do a little math work.  Our district is adopting the new Common Core Modules that New York State is in the process of putting out.

You can download the first module from New York State on place value, rounding, and algorithms for addition and subtraction here.  It is chocked full of lesson ideas, teacher talk, fluency practice, review, worksheets, homework, etc....

However, one thing that it was missing was any details or real mention of how to incorporate an interactive notebook for math.  This was a little upsetting to me at first because that is exactly what I had hoped to add to my curriculum this year. 

So what did I do...I made one myself!  You can download it today here at my TPT store.

Inside you will find all the materials you will need to kick of a Math Notebook this school year with your fourth graders....starting with Place Value, Comparing, Rounding, Adding, and Subtracting.  I have provided samples of what each page in the notebook could look like to introduce the various Common Core standards, as well as the necessary materials, clipart, and cut-outs that students will need to assembly their books.

This year I will be out for a few months on maternity leave.  Between substitutes in and out of the room and trying to implement a new math program, I was worried I might be missing something important ... time!

So, I've also included a quick print version in this pack for the teacher on the run.  Simply print and go!  No notebook necessary.  Just throw a staple in the top, possibly a few pieces of plain paper between each standard (for notes and showing work) and your notebook can be up and running immediately.

The nice thing about the Quick Print version is that not only is it in ink saving black/white but at the end of each module (or unit) students can bring their notebook home to share with parents.  If they loose it.....I plan on creating a new one with them for the next module.

Look for a new, Common Core aligned, Interactive Math Notebook for each math module.  I will continue creating the resource as each module is posted!

Don't forget to link up with Tara for Monday Made It!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Back to School Link-Up: 1st Day Activites, Games, and Routines

Welcome back for week 2 of my Back 2 School Linky Party.  Thanks to all who linked up last week.  This week's topics is:  1st Day Activities, Games, and Routines.

So, what are your favorite activities, games and routines for the first day of school?

I have been going pin-crazy on Pinterest this week.  Check out my Back to School Pinterest Board for loads of great ideas including some of these:

1.  Leslie the Science Gal has a great post on setting expectations for teamwork.
Great for first intro working in groups---Setting Expectations for Group Work
2.  I absolutely adore this Recipe for Success on Eating Abroad: Adventures of a Traveling Teacher.
Recipe for success- first day of school activity. So thoughtful...
3.  Steven Spangler's blog has 10 fun activities to get you geared up for the first day back to school.

4.  Lat but not least.....looking for some inspiration for Tara's Monday Made It tomorrow???

Check out over 50 amazing back to school crafts, desserts, and goodies at iheartnaptime.
50+ awesome back to school ideas

So what are you waiting for?  Link up below!

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Cya next week!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Common Core Modules

NY has been pretty busy this past year putting together some materials for teachers to use in their Common Core Classrooms.

All you have to do to view them is visit the Engage NY website.

Free lessons, worksheets, and activities have been created for YOU to use with the Common Core Standards at mind.

So far, our first 2 modules are posted for fourth grade math.  However, there are modules for ELA and for other grade levels.  I'm hoping all the modules will all be up and running over the next few months.  Our school is adopting these modules for the school year.

Check them out and let me know what you think.  You can't go wrong with free!  What curriculum materials is your state providing you with so that you are prepared for the Common Core Standards?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fish Themed Writing Prompts and Box Top Label Holder for Monday Made It

This week I focused on some fish-themed products for Tara's Monday Made It.

I recycled an old Lysol Wipes container, created a new label, and will be adding it to my classroom as a Box Top Label holder.  You can snag the label for yourself here.

I also created some Fish on a Stick writing prompts for students to complete if they finish their work early throughout the day.

Check out all the other creative things fellow bloggers have created at Monday Made It.

Don't forget to link up your favorite back to school items on TPT here.  You can link up anytime this week.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Back 2 School Link-Up: Favorite Back 2 School Products

Yippee...it's finally Sunday and you know what that means!  It's finally time for me to present you my first linky party focusing on a new Back 2 School topic each week, for 5 weeks.  This week's theme is:  Favorite Back to School Products from TPT.

Here are my favorite back to school products that you can find here at my Teachers Pay Teachers Store:

1 - Pinterest- Back to School Craftivity

Students create a personal laptop with a keyboard, mouse, and Pinterest page displayed on the screen. The Pinterest page can be a personal profile about themselves that they can share with the class. Students can also create one about a friend.

2 - Would you Rather Writing Prompts

This pack includes 15 writing prompts.  For your convenience, two versions of the Would You Rather writing prompts are included.   You can copy the journal pages for each student in your class. Students will read the Would You Rather prompt at the top of their page, circle which they would rather do, illustrate their thoughts, and then defend their thoughts at the bottom. Students should write a detailed explanation of why they would rather do it.  With the other version, you can copy the journal cut-out prompts. There are 5 of the same journal cut-out prompt on each page. Copy enough so that you have one for each student, cut them out, and have students glue them into their journals and then respond.

3 - Back to School Math Problem Solving Pages

This pack contains 15 back to school themed problem solving pages.  Each page contains 1 math word problem with plenty of workspace for students to show multiple ways to solve the problem, a place to write the answer, and an explanation for how they arrived at their answer.

There are 3 problem pages for each topic:
- Estimating Sums
- Estimating Differences
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Mixed Word Problems / 2-Step Problems

I love using these worksheets for morning work, partner work, and math discussions.

I have a problem solving pack created for each month of the year so I decided to bundle all 12.  Want all 12?  Save can save 30% by purchasing my Problem Solving Mega Pack!  You can grab the whole bundle here at a discounted rate.

As a special back to school bonus, I'm offering all my problem solving packs at an additional 10% off, including the Mega pack!  Snag them now, they will only be on sale today (7/14) and tomorrow (7/15).

4 - Here is a little freebie for ya!  Download my Back to School Goal Setting pack at my Teachers Pay Teachers Store for FREE!

This packet contains graphic organizers and worksheets to assist in goal setting as a quick and easy back to school activity.

Included are:

- Hopes and Dreams Rainbow Worksheet
- Goal Planning Worksheet
- Soccer "Goal" Book Cover
- Soccer "Goal" Book Page (make multiple copies to create your book)
- Revisiting Goals Worksheet

These worksheets and organizers will be a wonderful addition to supplement your back to school curriculum.

Soooo . . . .

What are you waiting for?  Grab the image above and link-up below with your favorite back to school products.  These products can be yours or someone else’s (just be sure to give credit where credit is due). They can be paid or free. Anything that is related to our Back 2 School theme will work fine.

Link-up with blog posts showcasing your favorite back 2 school products.

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I will leave the link open for the full week so that you can link-up at your leisure.  Be sure to stop back next Sunday for more Back 2 School fun!  Next week's theme is:  1st Day Activities, Games, & Routines.  Happy Blogging!