Here's a quick peek at our math workshop this year.
Our district has adopted Engage NY's Math Modules. These modules have scripted teacher talk, fluency, review of previously learned concepts, concept development with teacher modeling, guided & independent practice, quick checks for each lesson, and assessments.
Each day, the module takes up at least an hour of our time. To make the module more manageable, I have moved the application problem to be completed as morning work and discussed at our morning meeting and the fluency practice to be completed during our brief 10 minute break in-between specials and lunch.
After the module, students record what they have learned in their interactive math notebook. For the first module I used the quick print version to save time. I am now out on maternity leave. However, when I return, I plan on having students create a math notebook like this.
You can find my math notebook materials here at my TPT store.
After recording our new learning into our notebooks, I have students complete the quick check for the day. I use this as a dipstick to assess their learning.
When the quick check is complete, students move on to math centers. This provides me with some time to pull needs groups and work with individual students.
We use a center wheel for math centers. Each students has been placed into a different colored group. They look at the center wheel each day to determine which center they are responsible for.
Since taking this picture, I've had to switch the Smart Table center for a Mystery center since the Smart Table is currently out of commission.
This year we have started out with the following centers:
Computer - Students start out with practicing their math facts with the program XtraMath and then move on to reviewing important concepts with games and practice questions on Study Island.
Math Facts - Students practice their math fact fluency with a variety of materials and games. The most popular are our hot dot pens, flashcards, electronic math fact triangles, and a board game called Math Dash.
Smart Board - I have received a variety of educational software from Donors Choose. My favorite are these Smart Board games from Lakeshore Learning.
Mystery - Each week our mystery center changes. I usually use this as a review of previously learned concepts. This center usually contains a project, craft, sorting activity, partner activity, or game. Here is an example of an ordering numbers display students created during their mystery center last year.
Game - Our game center usually focuses on a skill learned throughout the week. Many of our games have also come from Lakeshore Learning as a donation through Donors Choose, like this one that focuses on place value.
Brain Teasers - Last but not least, we have a variety of brain teaser activities that students use to develop their problem solving skills. I usually have students work on these activities independently.
What does math workshop look like in your classroom?

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