Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Donors Choose

Wahoo!  3 of my projects were funded on Donors Choose and the packages from Lakeshore Learning arrived today!

If you haven't joined Donors Choose I highly suggest you do.  I've had 34 projects funded over the last 4 years and have received thousands of dollars in free materials and resources for my classroom!

You just post a few paragraphs stating what materials you would like and how you will use them.  If your project is funded you take 6 photographs of your students using the materials, have 5 students create thank you letters for each donor, and post a thank you letter yourself.  Trust me, it is well worth it!

View some of my projects:


Heather's Heart said...

I am going to have to try Donors Choose! I have heard such great things about projects being funded.

I am happy to be your 1st follower! I would love for you to visit me when you get the chance.

Heather's Heart

Casey Wiggins said...

Wow! This is amazing! I have been waiting for half of the year for my project to be funded. What is your secret?

Second Grade Math Maniac Blog

Jennifer Jasewicz said...

Thanks! I am now following both of you too!

I try to keep my Donors Choose projects close to $100. After they add all their fees the projects are usually around $180. Once your project is below $100 it is pretty much guaranteed to be fully funded. I also post a few at a time. I notice that about 1/2 my projects are funded. If one is not funded I just post it again when the time runs out.

Pay attention to the emails they send. They usually post special donations in your area. Sometimes a company or organization will fund 1/2 of your project or match donations for certain types of materials. Those projects are the easiest to get funded.